
Big Notebooks

I've just listed these in my shop. They are like the little notebooks, but...bigger. Handy if you like to take lots of notes, and the pages are even big enough to mount snapshots. Also, there is a new airplane design available in both the big and little notebooks - great for travelling. And, I'm decorating some of these with vintage maps, because I love those so much. Enjoy!


Shona~ LALA dex press said...

So let me get this straight, they are like the little notebooks but...bigger? Ah! I am so sorry to say that I got rid of a stack of vintage German topo maps last year. They would be in the mail, on their way to you if they were still in my possession. Hope all is well in NS

Hello Pineapples! said...

I love your notebooks. I'm really liking the use of vintage maps. What a great idea.