
Feet Week - Catching Up

I know that feet week is officially over, but I kind of missed the tail end of it - so I'm posting one last foot photo. As you can see, I've come full circle and am wearing the same flats as in the first photo. I managed to get most of the flour off. I'm off work this week, and we are off on a little holiday! Revisiting some of our favorite places in Nova Scotia, and hopefully also discovering some new ones. But first, I have to deliver a big project I've been working on (more on that later, hopefully) and I'm starting off the holiday but catching up with a lovely friend for a lovely lunch.

Bye for now - back next week with lots of photos - and probably five pounds heavier from all the yummy seaside food!

1 comment:

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

I just go off the phone with someone I indirectly work with who is flying to NS tomorrow for a week's vacation- I am so super jealous of her!