
Mini Milo

This is Mini Milo - a little fuzzy poodle doorstop that I bought this summer while visiting my friend in the country. He was at a little farmer's market - and I just had to have him. I took a lot of heat for this purchase - it's incredibly kitchsy - but I like it!

I have been absent from this space recently - just super busy filling orders, and getting ready for the Christmas markets - but I have lots of things to report. I will try to post when I can - but I might be more sporadic than normal in the lead up to Christmas.

Must go - a movie is starting called "La Moustache" - the description says it's about a man who shaves his moustache off, but no one notices. I find this type of film irresistable.


Sabine said...

Cute dog!
Sounds like a good movie (I never notice when a man shaves his moustache...but I do notice the change, strange, isn't it).

Anonymous said...

Have you seen it yet ? It is a good adaptation of the novel La moustache de Emmanuel Carrère(in Québec we saw it last year) but the "inquiétante étrangeté" (is he crazy or are his family and friends playing him ?) works better in words.