
Reading with my Ears

Something that I enjoy when I'm working in my studio is listening to books on tape. Right now, I'm listening to "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell". I read the book last year, but wanted to hear the story again. If you haven't read the book, I would highly recommend it. It's long -about 800 pages - so it's a time committment, but I think it's worth it. The author, Susannah Clarke, has created a magical world based on our own, yet eerily different. Malevolent fairies, fueding magicians, footnotes that could be a novel in themselves - this book has it all. I wouldn't say I am a huge fan of the fantasy genre, but this book goes beyond that. I heard that it took 10 years to write this book and I can believe it, so meticulously crafted. Just a wonderful and beautifully written story. Her latest book of short stories looks great as well, and it's beautifully bound and cased in it's own lovely slipcover, appealing to the book nerd in me.

I have to say though, not all my listening and reading choices are so literary. I like to listen to books like "The Nanny Diaries" or things by Candace Bushnell, because they are fun and don't take too much concentration. I think that I just love the written word. I get feel anxious and out of sorts if I'm not reading something, that's why I love reading with my ears.


Shona~ LALA dex press said...

We are leaving for Memphis in 3 hours, so if you can pop down here really quick you can come along to the massive neighborhood yard sale! It's just another diversion from all my work that I NEED TO DO!
Oh, + I love watching really cheesy, predictable movies (I don't have to pay too much attention), or I crank up my iPod REALLY LOUD and listen to 70's + 80's punk. Books on tape might mellow me a little.
Thank you for the paper cutter information.

Veronica TM said...

I will have to give books on tape a try!

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fan of the audio book too... when I'm working in my studio with my head down it keeps me company.
see you, gracia