
To list, or not to list...

I recently read an article on Etsy about changes in how items appear on the "recently listed" section of the front page, and on the category pages. Basically, the article says that Etsy has changed the way that listing works, and renewing items may not be as helpful as it has been in the past. I'm a bit confused - I don't know if I should continue to renew my items as a promotional tool, or if this is a waste of 20 cents? I do know that I haven't been relisting and my shop has been fairly quiet - but is this just a post-christmas lull? Does anyone have any thoughts on this, and what have you done in your shop?

By the way, this is another album that I recently listed in my Etsy shop.


sarah b. said...

I think the changes really make re-listing A LOT less effective. I guess it still bumps you closer to the top, but because of the delay, that could still be pages & pages in.

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

This post highlights the fact that I live in a bubble. I have not kept up with very many new features or changes to Etsy. I have been going along as usual for the past 2 1/2 years.

I think that if you have other ways of getting your store, product, etc. out there (a blog, now you are on Twitter) then it's not a .20 waste. Items move to page 5,6,7...in a matter of minutes sometimes so I have never found that being on one of the first few pages to be an advantage.

I hardle ever sell anything during the holidays, but my sales have been somewhat consistant lately.

Lyndsay said...

Hi, this is the first I've read about this. I'm going to have to look up this article and see what's going on. I've still been relisting, and although I feel like January was quite slow after Christmas, Feb seems to be picking up a bit. Hopefully it will keep up! I an going to check out that article now -