
Proud to be a canknittyan!

Got great news from my friend Mishka yesterday. Recently, she punned
on the fact that Knitty is a Canadian company, and came up with the slogan "canknittyan" (say it out loud, you'll get it). Knitty picked up on it, and their shop is now filled with loot bearing this clever slogan! Good on ya Mishka!
In other related news, we also found out yesterday that we were able to snag some frequent flyer tickets to visit Mishka and her Boy in Toronto. Woo hooo! She is my oldest friend - we met back in the 80's and instantly bonded over a love of alternative fashion, wacky hairstyles and Robert Smith of the Cure - and it's been about three years since we've seen each other. I am so looking forward to catching up and meeting her boy! Again - woo hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dont you live in toronto too?! sorry, is toronto huge?! my geography is not up to par.... but that is so cool that you get frequent flyer tickets... i'd love to escape for even a weekend!!! the tee is cute too!