
Just one more night...

Of kitty slippers....

Of knitting...

Of drinking tea and reading books. Just one more night, and then it's back to the studio - I promise...


Austen said...

Hi Trudi - Thanks so much for the happy holiday wishes! Hope that you had a great time too. And wow, no wonder it's so hard to get to the studio...between the slippers and the knitting and the books, that's one heck of a pull toward the couch. Good luck tomorrow! ;^) And happy new year!

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

Can I have just 1 more week so I can get everything in order from the holidays, traveling + overall exhaustion? Those slippers are too cute, which reminds me, I need some slippers- Crocs just don't cut it as a substitute.

mishka said...

Kitty slippers! I'm just getting around to catching up on my blogs - and yours was the first on my list :) I'm glad you have such a wonderful Christmas, and a relaxing New Years. Is that the shrug you're knitting? How's it coming along?

Thanks for the smashed potato recipe... ima hafta try that one for sure.

Veronica TM said...

What a delightful night, Trudi!